Well the first day of the comp has arrived, and it was a cold one! Temp in the morning was right at 0C in the valley bottom, and there was frost on the offloading ramp at the top of Baldy. Forecast was for OD and t-storms so it was a bit iffy that we'd actually fly.
Given the conditions, a quick 30km task was set north to Galena Lodge, just before the Galena Pass. Since nominal distance is 40 or 45 km (I can't remember which), this would by definition result in a sub-1000 point day, but hey, a low points day is better than no day at all!
As I said before, it was a cold morning, and up top it was even colder! Fortunately we were able to stay in the restaurant up top to stay warm. Then it started to snow...it was ODing all over the place and snow showers were passing through. It wasn't looking good for a taskable day.
Eventually, after pushing the start back 4 or 5 times, the organizers cancelled the day due to OD concerns. Since it was only snowing slightly, and I had my glider unpacked already, I opted to fly down rather than pack up and ride the gondola down. Most others had the same idea and the air was soon full of gliders sled-riding down to the LZ.
Of course it's now sunnier, but I'm sure the OD will return, and we'll have another session of rain (snow up top) before the day is out. We'll try again tomorrow!